Email marketing has been around forever, and for good reason. It’s the most direct and effective way of connecting with your leads, nurturing them, and turning them into customers, consistently winning out over all other marketing channels.

Emails are a useful and direct way for B2B organizations to share information with customers and prospects. They can also be effectively used as a demand generation tool or in cross-channel marketing campaigns. You can learn E-mail marketing course at MISD (Management Institute of Skill Development) which is the best Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi for internet marketing course.

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Effective marketing emails convert prospects into customers, and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans.

More specifically, effective email marketing campaigns help your organization to:

  • Stay top of mind via email nurture campaigns
  • Deliver timely and personalized messages to specific audiences
  • Support lead generation efforts by promoting gated content through trusted sponsored email providers
  • Amplify company content and boost SEO

The Importance of Email Marketing

1. Email is the #1 communication channel. Did you know that at least 99% of consumers check their email on a daily basis? That can’t be said of any other communication channel.

2. You own your list. On any social media platform, your account (along with all your fans and posts) could be suspended or deleted at any time, for any reason, without notice. However, you own your email list. No one can take those leads away from you.

3. Email just converts better. People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than those who do not receive email offers. In fact, email marketing has an ROI of 4400%. That’s huge! And if you are wondering if social media converts even better, think again: the average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social media.

Email is simply the best way to make sales online.

Why email marketing is essential to your business.

  1. Everyone uses email
  2. Mobile devices allow people to check emails instantly
  3. Email is a great way to inform your customers
  4. Email is perfect for personalized and targeted messaging
  5. Email inspires action
  6. Email lets you build brand awareness and appeal
  7. Email builds relationship and credibility.
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Mckinzey conducted research in 2013 where they discovered that email is multiple times a more effective channel at acquiring customers than popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Although this research is only until 2013, you can see the trend growth for Email from 2010 onwards, and the graph speaks for itself: email marketing, as a customer acquisition channel, is being adopted increasingly because of its effectiveness.

An effective email marketing campaign can help close deals and generate revenue. Despite recent data control legislature, email marketing continues to be viewed as a critical channel. As marketers, we can keep up with the changing landscape by following data hygiene and list collection best practices to make sure that people are receiving the message most relevant to them. But remember—best practices don’t apply to everyone at every time. Testing and data analysis continue to be critical in optimizing email strategies.

If you’re considering using email marketing for your business, or are just wondering if your current email program is worth it, I hope this article sheds some light on all the great things email marketing can do for you. Join Digital Marketing course in MISD Best Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi.

While all the advantages mentioned are well documented and realistically achievable, it’s important to remember to have a clear execution plan in place for your email marketing. And finally, you need to have grit and patience for results to start showing.
